Harmonious leadership across Borders & Cultures
Unlocking Cultural Competence and Elevate Your Global Leadership Skills by joining our Cross-Cultural Competency Workshop in Bangkok.
Unlocking Cultural Competence and Elevate Your Global Leadership Skills by joining our Cross-Cultural Competency Workshop in Bangkok.
Dilemma Reconciliation is suitable for individual, team and organisational situations. It serves to reconcile “Dilemmas” where there is more than one possible desired outcome and is developed by Charles Hampden-Turner. Using information about the possible outcomes and 3rd integrated optimal solution in-line with the organisational strategy.
It is the perfect partner to cultural Dilemmas as defined by Prof Geert Hofstede as well as Strategy and Organisational Culture Alignment with Strategy.
All Trompenaars Hampden-Turner related service is done by a Certified Licensee.
Developed by Charles Hampden-Turner, Dilemma Reconciliation serves two reconcile “Dilemmas” where there is more than one possible desired outcome. Using information about the possible outcomes and 3rd integrated optimal solution in-line with the organisational strategy.
It is the perfect partner to cultural Dilemmas as defined by Prof Geert Hofstede as well as Strategy and Organisational Culture Alignment with Strategy. The process is suitable for individual, team and Organisational Dilemmas.
All Trompenaars Hampden-Turner related service is done by a Certified Licensee.
Fons Trompenaars developed a different approach to the dimensions of culture and changed some of the focus as well. As with Hofstede the work developed into a full-blown foundational part of modern cross-cultural work and is also expanded into organisational culture. Trompenaars Hampden-Turner provides profiling in Intercultural Awareness and Intercultural Awareness.
Intercultural Awareness Profile
The Trompenaars seven dimensions of culture and basic organisation culture scan is an introductory tool for personal growth, team communication and organisational culture discussions. The primary focus is on the cultural preferences based on Trompenaars’ 7 Dimensions from “Riding the waves of Culture”.
Inter-Cultural Competence Profiler
More of a behavioural tool than the preference-based awareness tool, this Tool focuses on effective capacity to achieve certain cross-cultural outputs through recognition, respect, reconciliation and realisation. Each category has 3 sub-dimensions.
This is a great team tool, especially for team integration and performance.
All Trompenaars Hampden-Turner related service is done by a Certified Licensee.
The Trompenaars model of Organisational Culture uses the Original 7 Dimensions from Trompenaars to derive four typologies to categorize the type of Organisational Culture and how it functions.
The Trompenaars model typologies:
This could be helpful in either mergers/acquisitions, strategic change, diversity, globalisation, or other related issues.
Perceived current and idealised perceptions are measured of issues such as:
All Trompenaars Hampden-Turner related service is done by a Certified Licensee.
Coaching is an essential part in personal growth, team productivity and integration and organisational growth and transformation.
We have access to a wide variety of coaching strategies incl. Narrative, Ontological, Gestalt and Integral.
Our focus is however to ensure that “All coaching services” are International Coach Federation Accredited and follows the ICF markers and ethical requirements.
ICF markers (coachingfederation.org/pcc-markers)
ICF ethics (coachingfederation.org/about/icf-ethics)
Gallup Strengths – Short for Gallup Clifton Strengths
Your Clifton Strengths themes are your talent DNA. Your various personal strengths explain the ways you most naturally think, feel, and behave. There are 34 Themes in the full report and an individuals themes are 1 in 33 million.
Where values focus on why you do things, strengths focus on how you go about fulfilling them using your natural skills.
Along with values, strengths form the foundational tools that we use in nearly all the interventions conducted by Global Potential and Strategy.
Leading High Performance Teams
Gallup Strengths is a crucial part of high-performance teams and Gallup has added their Q12 Engagement survey to aid identifying areas where strength-based intervention can significantly increase team performance and increase employee engagement.
Advanced Gallup Strengths Coaching
Focussed on advanced in-depth coaching on the Strengthsfinder results all our Gallup Strengths Services is delivered by Advanced Certified Strengths Coach.
For Teams: Strengths is a crucial instrument in integrating teams as team members must cooperate with different or similar strengths as complementary opposites. Strengths can be Team Strengths and productivity as well as Blind spots, Exclusionary or lead to Conflict.
For the Organisation: A strength-based culture and management approach leads to significantly better and more productive working environments. Engagement and innovation are key results of this culture.
The Hofstede Multi-Focus Model of Organisational Culture is the only data driven OC tool and the only tool that measures the actual culture of an organisation along with the perceived culture. The actual culture, when aligned with strategy is called the optimal culture.
The model use six dimensions (not be confused with the six national culture dimensions and are not necessarily relevant in all countries and all organisations). These are not based on values but on strategic practices, which unlike national values can to some extent be monitored by the organisation’s management, with the support of skilful consultants and coaches.
Sub Tools:
All Hofstede OC work is conducted by an Accredited Practitioner in Organisational Culture.
Full Organisational Scans and subsequent Workshops and Coaching is conducted in Partnership with Hofstede-Insights.
The KnowledgeWorkx approach to Cultural differences focusses on the interpersonal preferential differences that exist between individuals and team members. The re-worked Cultural dimensions are Relative and Neutral.
Based on the work of both Hofstede and Trompenaars the ICI dimensions map personal differences over 12 dimensions. The dimensions have carefully been stripped of any meanings that can cause emotional anxiety to be neutral in meaning.
The tool also includes a team map and is successful in a “non-Western environment”. It is supported by in-depth coaching models as well cultural awareness strategies.
The Three Colors of Worldview Discovery tool was developed to assist people with a deeper understanding of their own and other people’s cultural drivers, motivators and demotivators. The Three Colors are aspects of Guilt and Innocence; Honour and Shame; Power and Fear, that we have.
All related services are provided by an Inter-Cultural Intelligence Certified Practitioner
The Cultural Navigator is the most comprehensive Cultural Preferences and Dimensions tool. It contains 17 Cultural Dimensions across Interaction, Thinking and Identity.
Supported by a strong methodology of developing Cross-Cultural skills through Coaching and Behavioural Change, this tool is truly a benchmark tool.
It serves both Individual and Team development.
All services are provided through a certified Cultural Orientations Approach practitioner.
Erin Meyer brings in a strong leadership and decision-making discussion in “Culture Map” that is based on the Hofstede and Trompenaars work. Her focus is on Cultural Relativity and the impact of Cultural Dimensions on management.
As taught in the INSEAD Leading Across Borders and Cultures Executive Course. (insead.edu/executive-education/leadership/leading-across-borders-cultures)
The Culture Map serves for Individual and team discussions.
Our services in this model are delivered by a professional coach who completed the INSEAD course.
Cultural intelligence is defined as the ability to work across and between cultures. The Cultural Intelligence Center assesses Cultural Values, CQ and Unconscious Bias.
Cultural Values
Covers 10 Dimensions of Culture and Compares it with 10 Geographic based Clusters.
It is a Great Discussion and Coaching Tool for both Individuals and Teams.
CQ Assessment and CQ 360 Multi Rater Assessment
This is one of the primary cross-cultural tools and the 360 Multi Rater is more significant as it confirms or contradicts personal views on cross-cultural behaviour. The 360 is a peer evaluation tool where individual feedback is measured against 5 peers.
It is more for individual coaching, but the group report can identify Team blind spots and strengths that is useful for Team Strategy.
Unconscious Bias Training and Assistance
The CQ Center was one of the early adopters of Unconscious Bias as part of their offering. This makes their work less influenced by identity politics and intersectionality. It is also more focussed on the use of CQ to overcome Unconscious Bias and therefore a crucial Tool for Objective Diversity and Inclusivity
All services are done by A CQ Certified Comprehensive Facilitator and a CQ certified Unconscious Bias Facilitator.
TThe Richard Lewis model of cross-cultural communication is an extension of the original cross-cultural work and focuses on Linear, MultiActive and Reactive, where the traditional dimensions lie between two options. Thus, more of a 3D 13 Dimension approach.
Culture Active is the online tool for the Richard Lewis model. It measures your tendency towards being linear, multi-active and reactive over 13 dimensions as well as 37 work, interaction, management, and leadership values.
Although it has strong value for Individuals in the cross-cultural space it is a significant team and coaching tool. The use of comparisons and team maps provide deeper insights in team behaviour.
All services regarding CultureActive are provided Training Cross-Cultural Competence Certified Licensee
Hofstede is the original and most research, data driven approach to “interculturalism” in the business environment.
Hofstede has 3 tools that combines in a very effective approach of understanding cultural preferences, groupings and cross-cultural behaviour namely, Culture Compass, The 7 Mental Images of National Cultures, The Cultural Adaptability Profile.
Culture Compass
Determine your Cultural Preferences along Prof Geert Hofstede’s original 6 cultural dimensions.
The 7 Mental Images of National Cultures (derived from the Hofstede Cultural Clusters)
Bringing together the complexity of all the dimensions for Leadership, communication, and management.
The Cultural Adaptability Profile
A unique new offering based on the “Big 5” personality traits. Hofstede-Insights have developed this new Cross-Cultural Behaviour tool to fill a missing space in the Cultural Intelligence and Cross-Cultural Leadership Development sphere. It can only be done through Certified Cultural Adaptability Trainer.
All services in this regard Accredited Practitioner in Intercultural Management and Certified Practitioner of Intercultural Adaptability.
Mindset management is suitable for Individual and team interventions. Whether you are interested in the Stoic or Socratic view, the implication of the laws of thermodynamics, transcendentalism, Jungian approaches or the Hermetic; join us for a journey of discovery. Destroy negative paradigms and build success and growth paradigms.
Mindset Management builds on the practice that there are many ways of looking at the world and any situation based on personal paradigms. Paradigms are bundles of beliefs that we hold based on our values, strengths, culture, religion and experience. These paradigms either helps us succeed or hinder our progress.
Closely linked to individual coaching this process asks clients to pursue different points of view based on philosophy, psychology and cosmology.
Demartini Values
The Demartini Values Process determine your values by asking pertinent question about your life. You can do a free online assessment at DrDemartini https://drdemartini.com/values
All Demartini Values assessments and debrief is done by a trained Demartini Values facilitator. The facilitator can assist individuals, teams and organisations to identify their values and how to incorporate in personal development and empowerment.
Primary Values
Global Potential and Strategy developed Primary Values in-house to focus on the emotional importance of values. It is based on the “5 Love Languages” written by Gary Chapman (5lovelanguages.com) and work done by Vanessa Van Edwards (scienceofpeople.com) in her book “Captivate”.
Life Phase Values
The concept of Life Phase Values is gaining in popularity. As different generations move through their lives their values not only change over time but differs significantly from previous generations.
The Life Phase Values are also developed in-house based on Maslow’s hierarchy and studies of generational differences.
For Teams & Organisations: The values of a team will be an amalgamation of the values of the individual team members and the hierarchy in the team.
Organisational Values: There is no such thing as Organisational Values, despite many a literature. People have values, not organisations. Therefore, the Values of the Organisation are the values of the senior Executives.
Advanced Leadership development and High-Performance Team Integration requires deliberate placement of the individuals outside their normal sphere. Disruption can imply many things. We use Disruption only in specific situations as required by the client in accordance with their own strategy.
Usually used for Team Interventions: This is not just team building, it is a deliberate focused intervention focused on specific outcomes.